Jo Plaete

Visual Effects – 3D – Interactive Design

Archive for May 2008

NCCA Symposium – Renderman Presentation

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For the people that attended my talk at the NCCA symposium and anyone that is interested, here is my presentation together with some scenes, shaders and scripts I’ve talked about. It concerns a global overview over renderman rendering.

Presentation pdf
Additional material


Written by Jo Plaete

May 20, 2008 at 12:28 pm

Won NCCA Rob Edwards Memorial Cup 2008

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Worth mentioning, last Saturday we won the annual NCCA soccer tournament with our MA 3D Computer Animation team! The tournament contained 12 teams representing either industry companies and CG courses. It was a very nice day with some more then heroic games and a beautiful turn out for us in the end. The winning team:

The desired goblet will shine for at least one year in the MA3D lab 😉


Written by Jo Plaete

May 19, 2008 at 1:39 am

Posted in soccer, Uncategorized

FMX 2008

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Just got back from a week of sunny Stuttgart (aka the city where every car is a Porsche, Mercedes or BMW) where I attended the FMX 2008 conference on animation, effects and games together with some of my coursemates.

left to right: Pedram, Me, Dapeng

We had a great time over there with lots of interesting lectures, speakers and the opportunity to network and get to know people/companies and their visions. Definitely worth the travel! But, now, we’re back in Bournemouth, back for more!


Written by Jo Plaete

May 14, 2008 at 2:38 am

Posted in 3D, animation, vfx

Pixar Renderman

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Since I have access to Pixar Renderman here at my university I choose to aim my third term research project towards this industry standard renderer to get more familiar and confident with it. I am looking at the whole package going from the structure of RIB archives to the renderman shading language and SLIM to renderman implementations as for example renderman for maya.

To get to know RIB files I am writing a basic python based RIB exporter for XSI while learning SL and give it a try writing some custom shaders. What implementations concerns I’ve been testing renderman for maya thoroughly and the new 3delight integration for XSI.

I’ll come up with some more extensive post describing my research and findings but I can already say that I quite like renderman and definitely see it’s benefits. See below a test I got out of renderman for maya rendering out maya fur.

Renderman Fur + DOF

Shading Rate 1.0 – Pixel Samples 3.0 3.0

Don’t mind the grooming and style of the fur since I didn’t spend time on that but note the very crisp detail and nice shadowing going on. To achieve this I took advantage of renderman’s deep shadow and sigma hiding features(no ray tracing). Especially the sigma hiding does a really nice job together with fur. It enables a sort of alternate hiding algorithms designed especially for use with very small, thin, or transparent geometry.

Also the depth of field is coming straight out of the renderer, no post editing applied. The HD1080 render took about 14 minutes on an 8core machine with 4gb of ram.

More on this soon.


Written by Jo Plaete

May 4, 2008 at 8:17 am

Posted in Uncategorized