Jo Plaete

Visual Effects – 3D – Interactive Design

Guardians Of The Galaxy’s Space Battle!

with 3 comments

It’s out in theatres and you should definitely go and see it because it is pretty awesome!!! 🙂

I worked on this project for about a year at MPC mainly on the final space battle leading our amazing London crowd simulation team.

There will be an MPC talk at SIGGRAPH this year covering some of our work, if you are around definitely come and say hi! The talk abstract can be seen here:

We’ve built a lot of new tech on top of our in-house MPC crowd system ALICE to allow those thousands of spaceships in the final battle to whizz around through space and combat each other. One of them was a bridge between Softimage’s ICE framework and ALICE. The motivation behind this was to utilise the performance, flexibility and speed of development that framework provided for the behavioural point simulations whilst still having MPC’s sophisticated motion engine behind it for intricate clip blending.

The flight system built in ICE was modular allowing our artists to either highly art-direct their simulations or let more autonomous behaviours simulate battle without much intervention. The flight core would at all time ensure correct flight manoeuvres and enforce the specific per-ship characteristics.

Based on that simulation data and extra trajectory analysis our ALICE motion engine would then ensure blending of the proper ship motions either procedurally or as predefined by animators. Our sims also contained tons of extra data describing the battling (explosions, firing, damage percentages, etc) for down the line departments to pick up.

Big kudos to Ciaran Moloney and Alan Stanzione who participated in developing all this with me and off course the rest of the crowd team for delivering some amazing work using it!

Plus on that note I’d like to say: farewell Softimage, you’ve been a great companion, I hope there will be a worthy replacement for your ICE framework soon!



Written by Jo Plaete

August 5, 2014 at 1:16 am

Posted in Varia

3 Responses

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  1. good job! 🙂


    August 5, 2014 at 1:06 pm

  2. You don’t have to say goodbye to Softimage, it’s not going to uninstall itself! But I guess you’re going to move onto the upcoming Fabric Engine 2.0 now?

    Anyways, congratulations for your work!—I’m quite dubious about this movie but I’m now being curious to watch it.

    PS: would a marriage between ALF from AL and ALICE from MPC be possible? I think it’s worh a discussion around a Franziskaner.

    Christopher Crouzet

    August 6, 2014 at 4:44 pm

    • yeah indeed its not that we dumped it as off today – its still in use actually as we speak and until we move onto something else we got it as a nice extension for this specific type of work, but eventually it will fade..
      Indeed Fabric 2.0 is on the roadmap, curious to see how that will pan out 🙂

      ALF and ALICE.. hmm.. could be an interesting combo for sure, especially with Franziskaner involved… 😉

      Jo Plaete

      August 6, 2014 at 7:00 pm

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